主营产品: 临床试验、CE-MDR&IVDR、NMPA、FDA 510K、MDL等。

ErP=Energy-related Products, 即能源相关产品,指的是任何已经投放于市场和/或已经被交付使用的,而且在使用过程中会对能源消耗有影响的产品。它包括那些被ErP指令涵盖的能源相关产品的部件,它们作为独立部件针对终用户被投入到市场和/或被交付使用,而且它们应能够被独立地进行环境影响评估。.

ErP认证是CE认证的能效认证部分,2013年开始强制执行。ErP指令是新的欧洲CE标志法规。作为一项CE 标志指令,ErP指令的要求将连同安规、电磁兼容、无线电等其他要求一同被执行。


ErP, energy-related products, are products that use energy, or that do not use energy but have an indirect impact on energy consumption, such as water using devices, building insulation products, windows, etc. Compared to ErP, energy-using products (EuP) are products which are dependent on energy input (electricity etc.). All ErP and EuP are subject to energy efficiency re 

In November 2009, the Eco-Design Directive EuP was replaced with the new energy-related products directive (ErP) 2009/125/EC. The old directive for energy using products only covered products that used energy, such as washing machines or computers. The new ErP-Directive covers products under the old EuP Directive as well as products that are energy-related and do not directly use energy such as water-saving taps and showerheads. With this directive, the European Union regulator laid the groundwork for specific implementing measures affecting a broad range of EuP and ErP. The goal is the reduction of energy along the supply chain: from the design stage throughout production, transport, packaging and so on. Products that comply with this directive are easily recognized by carrying the CE marking. In this case, the CE mark covers product safety and energy efficiency re


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